What is the MMPI-3?

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3

What is the MMPI-2? - Geo Psychological Testing

Note: MMPI-2 is now MMPI-3


What is the MMPI-3? The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-3 (MMPI-3) is a psychological assessment that is used to diagnose mental disorders and select the appropriate treatment methods. The MMPI-3 assessment has 10 different diagnostic scales. Geo Psychological Testing breaks down these 10 scales:


Scale 1: Hypochondriasis

Scale 1 identifies symptoms of a disorder known as hypochondriasis — or health anxiety. Hypochondriacs experience intense fear and worry over developing serious health conditions and may even self-diagnose without seeking a professional opinion.


Scale 2: Depression

Scale 2 identifies symptoms of depression (a mood disorder). People with depression may experience persistent sadness, loss of interest in favorite hobbies or activities, fatigue, changes in appetite or sleep, inability to concentrate, suicidal thoughts, and more.


Scale 3: Hysteria

Scale 3 identifies symptoms of hysteria. Hysteria is characterized by extreme and uncontrollable emotions, outbursts, fear, and panic.


Scale 4: Psychopathic Deviate

Scale 4 identifies behaviors of a psychopathic individual. Psychopathic individuals reject authority, deviate from social standards, and often lack morals. Psychopathic individuals are often viewed as disobedient and antisocial.


Scale 5: Masculinity-Femininity

Scale 5 identifies individuals that display homosexual tendencies or behaviors/interests that deviate from the gender they were assigned at birth.


Scale 6: Paranoia

Scale 6 identifies individuals experiencing symptoms of paranoia. Paranoia can be characterized by intense anxiety and fear relating to threat or conspiracy. There are several types of paranoia, including persecutory, grandiosity, litigious, etc. 


Scale 7: Psychasthenia

Scale 7 identifies symptoms of psychasthenia. People with psychasthenia often have anxiety, OCD, or depression and may experience a variety of irrational phobias, obsessions, and compulsions. 


Scale 8: Schizophrenia

Scale 8 identifies symptoms of schizophrenia. Schizophrenics may experience delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thinking or behaviors, social isolation, aggression, and more.


Scale 9: Hypomania

Scale 9 identifies symptoms of hypomania. Hypomania is a pattern of unusual, extreme emotions and behaviors, such as excitement, flamboyance, irritation, inflated self-image, racing thoughts, etc.


Scale 0: Social Introversion

Scale 0 identifies symptoms of social introversion. Social introversion can be characterized by a pattern of extreme shyness, social withdrawal, and a lack of desire to fulfill responsibilities.


Do you believe you could benefit from having an MMPI-3 evaluation? Contact Geo Psychological Testing today!

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