What is a Pre-Adoption Assessment?
Becoming a parent is a huge responsibility. If you’re considering adopting a child, you may want a pre-adoption assessment — but what is a pre-adoption assessment and why do you need one? Geo Psychological Testing explains:
What is it?
A pre-adoption assessment is conducted by a licensed clinical psychologist and allows parents to learn more about themselves and gain the confidence and skills needed to become adoptive parents. This assessment is not included in the formal adoption report — it is simply an aid for pre-adoptive parents to determine whether they are ready to adopt a child. This assessment will help identify the parents’ strengths and weaknesses.
Pre-adoption assessments also offer psychologists insight. Based on a couple’s results, psychologists can provide guidance for seeking additional support that may better prepare the couple for what’s to come.
What does it measure?
Pre-adoption assessments explore topics, such as personal and family history, the couple’s history together, and personality types. Additionally, couples may be asked to take a standard MMPI-2 assessment.
MMPI-2 assessments are composed of several hundred true/false questions. The couple is asked to provide answers that best reflect their experiences or preferences. Many of the questions are centered around anxiety, depression, and other mental disorders.
Why do you need one?
Pre-adoption assessments aren’t necessary, just insightful! Many couples don’t know what to expect when adopting for the first time. Whether they already have children of their own or not, adoption can be challenging. Adoptive parents are faced with the same challenges any new parents are, plus more — especially when adopting older children.
If you are adopting outside of the United States, there could be cultural differences. If you’re adopting children within the foster care system, they could have behavioral issues or PTSD depending on their background. If you are adopting a child with disabilities, you’re required to learn how to best care for them and accommodate their needs. No matter the case, adoption comes with learning curves for both parents and children. Adoption is not for the faint of heart!
The licensed clinical psychologists at Geo Psychological Testing specialize in Pre-Adoption Assessments. Interested in learning more? Contact us today!
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