Seasonal Affective Disorder Awareness Month

Seasonal Affective Disorder Awareness Month - Geo Psychological Testing


December is Seasonal Affective Disorder Awareness Month. According to Boston University, Seasonal Affective Disorder (also known as SAD or seasonal depression) affects nearly 10 million Americans every year. In honor of SAD Awareness Month, here are a few more facts that may surprise you:


SAD often affects people with existing mental health issues

Anyone can experience seasonal depression, but people with existing mental health issues are actually more likely to experience it. According to Medline Plus, 10-20% of people with a depressive disorder and 25% of people with bipolar disorder will experience seasonal depression.


Some people do not experience SAD for consecutive years

For those who are prone to seasonal depression, they may only experience SAD every few years. In fact, 30-50% of people do not experience SAD for consecutive winters. The frequency of SAD symptoms will vary from person to person and may depend on their sun exposure, existing mental state, and circumstances.


SAD can progress into a depressive disorder

SAD is generally exclusive to fall and winter months. However, about 40% of people with SAD do not experience relief with warmer weather. When symptoms persist, the diagnosis changes from SAD to a depressive disorder.


SAD is four times more common in women

Anyone can experience seasonal depression, but 60-90% of people diagnosed with SAD are actually women. There’s no way of knowing why SAD affects women more than men, but possible factors may include hormonal changes and a willingness to seek professional help. 


Concerned you or a loved one may have Seasonal Affective Disorder? The professionals at Geo Psychological Testing specialize in psychological testing and evaluations. Through careful evaluation, our licensed clinical psychologists can form a diagnosis and offer referrals for treatment. Interested in learning more? Contact us today!

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