The 3 Stages of Psychosis
Psychosis is often classified as a disorder, but is actually a symptom of mental health conditions like schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. Psychosis affects the way the brain processes information. Psychosis patients are disconnected from reality, sometimes experiencing delusions or hallucinations. There are three stages of psychosis: the prodromal phase, the acute phase, and recovery. Geo Psychological Testing has broken down these three stages:
The Prodromal Phase
The prodromal phase is the first phase of psychosis. In the prodromal phase, psychosis patients may experience changes in their feelings, thoughts, and behavior. Patients may have difficulty focusing, processing what others are saying, and organizing their thoughts. They may feel disconnected, paranoid, and irritable. This phase is gradual and may persist for months or even a year.
The Acute Phase
The acute phase is what most people recognize as a psychotic episode. As patients move out of the prodromal phase and into the acute phase, they may begin experiencing delusions, hallucinations, dramatic mood swings, confusion, anxiety, and the desire to isolate. They may also display regressive, child-like behavior, such as excessive dependency and affection.
The acute phase will persist until someone intervenes and the patient seeks treatment. Timely intervention is crucial for complete recovery. If someone you know is exhibiting concerning behavior, seek professional help immediately.
The professionals at Geo Psychological Testing specialize in psychological evaluations and assessments. If you or someone you know is experiencing psychosis, there is likely an underlying health issue that must be addressed. Our professionals will conduct thorough testing to find the right diagnosis and identify a treatment program suited to the patient’s needs. For more information, contact us today. In the case of an emergency, please call 911 or emergency services.
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