Why Should I Have My Child’s IQ Tested?

While IQ testing is a controversial topic for many, we believe it is an essential part of identifying and providing your child with the educational resources they need to succeed. Here are a few reasons you should consider having your child’s IQ tested:

Understand your child better

IQ (intelligence quotient) testing measures a variety of things, including reasoning abilities and short/long-term memory. Choosing to test your child’s IQ can provide great insight into how they process information. These results will allow you to better understand why your child behaves the way they do or why they struggle in certain areas. 


Identify your child’s strengths and weaknesses

Choosing to test your child’s IQ will help you identify what their strengths and weaknesses are. When you know your child’s weaknesses, you can find tools and resources to better accommodate their needs and support ongoing growth. When you know your child’s strengths, you can encourage your child to use these gifts and talents. 


Find the right program for your child

Children often struggle in school because they are not receiving the individualized attention they need. If your child is performing below average in school, their environment may be to blame. Children with higher IQs often thrive in accelerated classes or programs that challenge them more. Meanwhile, children with lower IQs could benefit from individualized special needs classes. IQ testing will help you determine what classroom environment would support your child’s needs the best.


At Geo Psychological Testing, our professionals specialize in IQ testing. With this testing, we can identify the areas in which your child may be struggling and provide recommendations for how you can better support your child and their needs. Set your child up for success for years to come — schedule a consultation with one of our professionals!


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