What is Psychoeducational Testing?

What is Psychoeducational Testing? - Geo Psychological Testing

What is Psychoeducational Testing? Geo Psychological Testing explains what this testing entails and describes the ideal candidate for this type of testing:


What is it?

Psychoeducational testing serves to identify a child’s strengths and weaknesses through a series of assessments that explore their cognitive, academic, and socio-emotional functioning. Students’ scores are compared to other children their age to determine where they fall on the curve. With the information gathered, parents and teachers can determine what accommodations would best support the student’s academic needs. 

This testing usually lasts around 8 hours and is often broken up into multiple sessions. The psychologist administering the test will begin by asking questions regarding the student’s developmental, academic, medical, and familial history, with an emphasis on potential concerns. Then, they assess the student’s cognitive, academic, and socio-emotional functioning. 


Who needs it? 

Students requiring this type of testing are typically falling behind in school or underperforming and have been referred to a psychologist to receive testing. Students may be underperforming for a variety of reasons, whether it be neurodevelopmental disorders, learning disabilities, or they have been placed in an environment that is not compatible with their unique learning style. This testing allows psychologists to learn more about a student’s learning profile and what can be done to improve academic performance.


The professionals at Geo Psychological Testing specialize in psychoeducational testing. Through careful evaluation and assessment, our licensed clinical psychologists can provide referrals and accommodation recommendations for students struggling in school. For more information regarding psychoeducational testing or to learn more about our other services, contact us today.

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