3 Statistics You Should Know About Untreated Mental Illness

3 Statistics You Should Know About Untreated Mental Illness - Geo Psychological Testing

For many, there is a lot of fear in seeking treatment for mental illness. However, mental illness only escalates when untreated for an extended period of time. Here are 3 reasons seeking treatment could save a life:


90 percent of suicides are caused by mental illness

Without proper treatment, mental illness can escalate and become life-threatening. Many people struggling with their mental health reach a point where they’ve lost all hope and commit suicide. With 90 percent of suicides attributed to mental illness (Constellation Behavioral Health, 2019), it’s safe to say that treatment could save lives. 


Rehospitalization within 30 days of release is more likely to occur if the patient does not receive follow-up treatment

For those with severe mental illness, failing to receive the treatment they need often leads to relapse and rehospitalization. Follow-up treatment after hospitalization is crucial on the road to recovery. Untreated mental illness is not only dangerous, but can be costly. According to Constellation Behavioral Health, rehospitalization for a mood disorder costs about $7,100 on average. 


Substance abuse is common in those with mental illness, which increases risk of death from overdose

It is common for those with untreated mental illness to turn to drugs as a way to cope. However, substance abuse can not only escalate mental illness, but can be life-threatening, as there is risk of overdosing. According to the CDC, in the United States there were over 81,000 deaths due to substance abuse between May 2019 and May 2020.   


There are a variety of reasons mental illness goes untreated, some of which include a lack of funds/resources and shame related to the stigma surrounding mental health. If you’re struggling with your mental health, it’s time to seek help. The professionals at Geo Psychological Testing specialize in psychological evaluations and can set you on the path to treatment and recovery. For mental health resources or for information about our services, contact us today!

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